This recipe typically uses palm sugar (not to be confused with coconut sugar).
- 1 container of Peanut butter (18 oz)
- 2 cups of Palm Sugar
- 3 sticks of salted butter
- (optional) less than a pinch of salt
- Get medium to large size pot on stove. Set heat to Medium.
- Put sticks of butter and all the peanut butter into the pot. Mix & stir around until it melts into one mass of buttery peanut butter. Stir constantly, or it will scorch the bottom.
- Once the peanut butter and butter is melted together and mixed, turn off the heat and remove the pot from that burner so that it doesn’t continue to get any heat. Move the pot to another burner that isn’t hot.
- Add the palm sugar into the pot, and mix everything together.
- Once that is done, taste it, and decide whether you like it as salty as it is or if you want to add half a pinch or less of salt. If you add too much salt, you can’t take it back.
- Wait until mixture is not too hot to touch.
- Pour mixture into a glass container, which you can seal either with plastic wrap or a lid, and put it into the freezer. Glass container must not be cold or it may break from the heat. Wait until mixture cools down if necessary.
- Wait until it is frozen or at least partly frozen to eat. Cut out small pieces using a normal table knife.
- Enjoy!